Зачем добавлять то, что не существует???
это опечатка, такого слова не существует (см.
Комментарий переводчика
Обсуждение (8)
Особенно, если там уже есть то, что существует. ((((
They’ve run out of bullshit to post on here, so they’re going to start the LingvoLive Opechatcological Dictionary. This is just the first entry!)))
Well, to be fair, one can find in Lingvo "auxillary" as well that doesn't exist.
And some dictionaries include common misspellings
It’s auxiliary
We have what’s called dictionaries of commonly misspelled words, but since the advent of the computer and spellchecking, there’s really no need for it. They’re built into most computer writing systems
Good if this all works. I can't make spellchecker working in background in my latest versions of Firefox. I have to call it with right click to check the text already entered.