Even if i don't say, what if i tell everything to the girl who understands me.

Я приехал домой не из-за тебя.
Я не приехал домой из-за тебя.
- 1.
I came home not because of you. / It’s not because of you that I came home. I didn’t come home because of you.
translation added by ⁌ ULY ⁍Gold ru-en

playing the underdog
- 1.
прикидываться аутсайдером/темной лошадкой
translation added by Vlad L

You're not fun, by any chance, are you?
Author’s comment
Цитата из фильма.
Garrett: [on their first date] Aurora...
Aurora: Yes?
Garrett: You're not fun, by any chance, are you?
Aurora: I don't really think we should think about that right now. [pause] Impatient boys sometimes miss dessert!

Make Lies Wrong Again
- 1.
вернуться к тому, что врать/обманывать нехорошо
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru

you make it too easy
- 1.
ты делаешь это слишком простым (для меня)
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru

teeteering on the precipice of collapse
- 1.
с трудом удерживаясь/удерживающийся на краю краха
translation added by grumblerGold en-ru

revel in the joy

A power beyond human understanding casts fate into disarray, and accursed fortunes manifest.