Despite the statue’s apparent glibness, it serves as a reminder that we can’t control which memories last and which don’t.
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несмотря на очередную несерьезность статуи, она служит напоминанием о том, что не мы решаем, какие... дальше в примере
translation added by Igor YurchenkoGold ru-en
We are gathering all these statues – like Lenin
We are gathering all these statues – like Lenin – and we would like to make a park of forlorn heroes of the epoch,” says Milov.
- 1.
Мы собираем все эти памятники - как Ленин
translation added by Dmitriy Zolotovskiy
where they can be visited
I want to take the statues out of the central squares of cities and put them in a different place like Disneyland, where they can be visited
- 1.
где их можно навещать
translation added by Dmitriy Zolotovskiy
To save the Lenin monument but also take it away from the eyes – to make a new art piece with a new sense.
“We are non-political,” says Milov, “but we decided with one shot to kill two hares, as the Russian saying goes. To save the Lenin monument but also take it away from the eyes – to make a new art piece with a new sense.”
- 1.
спасти (сохранить) памятник Ленину, но в то же время убрать его с видного места - создать новый арт-объект, несущий новый смысл.
translation added by Igor YurchenkoGold ru-en
the feasibility of meeting the Soviet Union’s huge food aid request
- 1.
Осуществисомть удовлетворения огромного запроса от СССР на оказание продовольственной помощи
translation added by Расул Байрамкулов - 2.
Возможность удовлетворения запроса СССР на предоставление большого об'ема гуманитарной продовольственной помощи
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold ru-en
least effective war reporting media
- 1.
СМИ, наименее эффективно освещающее войну
translation added by Igor YurchenkoGold ru-en
hospital pest control budgets
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бюджет больницы на уничтожение паразитов
translation added by Igor YurchenkoGold ru-en
Burgeoning metropolitan area's lucrative newspaper advertising market
- 1.
Прибыльный рынок газетной рекламы разрастающегося столичного региона
translation added by Andrew GalatinSilver ru-en - 2.
(Быстро)растущий рынок прибыльной городской газетной рекламы.
translation added by Holy MolyGold ru-en
Gwynned county council's public protection committee
- 1.
Комитет общественной защиты Совета графства Гвинед
translation added by Elena BogomolovaGold en-ru
to remove any substantial disadvantage suffred by the disabled person in comparison to the person without that disability
Thus the employer may be required by the host state's laws to make reasonable adjustments to remove any substantial disadvantage suffred by the disabled person in comparison to the person without that disability.
- 1.
см. Example
translation added by Holy MolyGold ru-en - 2.
смотрите пример
translation added by Дмитрий ФедоровBronze ru-en