I’d been on the radio this morning before work,
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On the radio в этом случае.
Слушать радио - не годиться.
low, thick walls
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В предложении: "The broad streets had modern buildings with narrow windows and low, thick walls.
Не понимаю, как выглядят "low, thick walls in modern buildings".
The graph paper stuck to my fingers as I picked it up to tap it straight on the edge of the table.
I stood and cracked my back.
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Спину она не сломала!
a sheet of grubby primer paper
I’m at loose ends.
Was hurricane season about to get really bad?
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Речь идет, разумеется, не об ураганах, а о неприятностях/проблемах в общем.
He’s a lamb.
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Контекст: женщина так в приватном разговоре со своей подругой характеризует ее бойфренда, которого считает не подходящей для подруги парой.
It was cheesy as all hell.
I need to go reassure my husband.
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Контекст: “And now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go reassure my husband.”
The crowd laughed even louder. I didn’t intend that last bit of double-entendre when I said it, and I was fairly certain that no amount of “reassurance” would calm Nathaniel down anytime soon.