Я учился на ИБ в Китае - не важно когда , это будет означать I've been studying IB in China ?
I went to the kitchen and took a bowl then put or pour some soup in it ?
Я делал омовение - I did or performed ablution ?
Данный момент я пишу , читаю и говорю а также слушаю на английком - Currently I write, read and speak aslo listen in English . Правильно , нет !? Акцент идет на ( and …… also )
- 1.
I’m currently able to read, write, and speak English, and I also listen to it.
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en
Если вы не будете жалеть ее, то вы будете ею гордиться.
- 1.
As long as you don’t “spare the rod,“ you’ll end up with a child you can actually be proud of.
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en
It was wonderful. I’m hopeful yours was also 🌻 I stick to US soil, but your someone beautiful and sweet is waiting for you. Thank you again, sweet man 💕
Want to grow old together want to feel the park whenever we touch our hands.
Скажем спортивное телосложение abdomen , a не спартивное телосложение belly ? Разница между abdomen/belly?
Less of men
В в футболе я не часто мотаю , обычно дай дальные пасы