Very good! My version: Three drunk young guys were coming on to me and my boyfriend stood up for me. It's a good thing some people broke them up.
Трое молодых людей в нетрезвом состоянии ко мне приставали, в результате чего мой молодой человек вступился за меня. Хорошо, что другие люди помогли разнять дерущихся.
Three drunk young guys were coming on to me and my boyfriend stood up for me. It's a good thing some people broke them up.
The three drunk young guys were making sexual advances on me, and my boyfriend stood up for me. Good thing some people stopped the fight.
The three drunk young guys were harassing me, and my boyfriend stood up for me. Good thing some people stopped the fight.
Very good! My version: Three drunk young guys were coming on to me and my boyfriend stood up for me. It's a good thing some people broke them up.
Спасибо огромное! ☺А почему ты не добавил свой перевод?😏