...at the wrong end of THE table
It is also true that Jode Mourinho is not exactly practised in firefighting at the wrong and of table.
Футбольная тематика.
and it is also true that José Mourinho is not exactly practised in firefighting at the wrong end of the table
Отредактированк тому же, Жозе Моуринью, несомненно, не то чтобы очень опытен в исправлении ситуации (/ликвидации ущерба), оказавшись не в той части таблицы, к которой он привык
It is also true that José Mourinho is not exactly practised in firefighting at the wrong end of THE table.
Отредактирован* * *
...at the wrong end of THE table
It can well be part of a subtitle line, where it's customary to omit articles
I’ve never heard of such a thing. Subtitles usually reflect exactly what the speakers are saying and if they’re not using articles, they’re probably Russian. I don’t understand.
Why say “THE wrong end” and then drop the article in front of TABLE?
I can share by link where that sentence are used
isn’t practiced = не имеет много опыта
If I am not mistaken sixth paragraph
JoSe. I know just it was a typo and I can't to edit it.
They are not Russian)
So to speak native English.
They may be native, but their English writing is horrible. However, I can tell you what this means. We have an expression “put out fires” which refers to correcting mistakes - usually other people’s - as they happen. In this sentence, they’re talking about a negotiation table and saying that José doesn’t have a lot of experience addressing problems at the negotiating table where there are teams/coaches/owners on one END of the table and league authorities/venue owners/franchise owners etc. on the other END.
they’re talking about a negotiation table
I disagree. It's about Chelsea being close the the bottom of Premier League table (at the very start of the season), while Mourinho is famous for bringing teams to the top, including the same Chelsea in the previous year.
Oh! Ok. So it’s like the leaderboard. (I don’t know much about soccer)
So then it’s about being on opposite ends of the table/leaderboard.
This means that he doesn’t have a lot of experience doing this - is Valery’s translation accurate?
not exactly
справляться с ситуацией = to solve problems, to find a soulution
Let me paraphrase it and you can add a proper translation: It is also true that NOBODY WOULD CONSIDER Jose Mourinho THE MOST EXPERIENCED in GOING BACK AND REPAIRING DAMAGE WHEN THEY/THE TEAM (?) FINDS ITSELF at the LOSING END and of LEADERBOARD.
Not exactly is a sarcastic way of referring to something glaringly obvious. For instance, if someone who is not very good at English decides to write a novel in English, you can read the first chapter and say “He’s not exactly Shakespeare, is he?”
Here they’re referring to him with the same marginal sarcasm - as if nobody would argue with this fact.
«Даа, ему до Шекспира далеко»
I'd say Valery's translation is very close to what you explained. I only don't like the Russian in справляться с ситуацией внизу турнирной таблицы.
«Справедливо также то, что Хосе Муриньо далеко не мастер выводить команду из нижних строк турнирной таблицы».¿¿
Грамблер, а кто оригинал редактировать будет?)
я исправил, но не все
Уму непостижимо, что автор запроса нашел это в интернете, но перепечатал все вручную вместо copy&paste.
Не все ленивые, как мы с Вами.)))
Всем огромное спасибо.
Не ожидал, что это вызовет такую дискуссию.
Если я правильно понял, то в оригинале опечатка, т.к. там все же написано at the wrong and of the table. Тогда как все пришли к единому мнению, что правильно at the wrong end of the table.