I'd like to participate in projects that will enable/ provide an opportunity to apply my knowledge in practice.
Я заинтересован в участии в проектах, которые дадут мне возможность применить мои знания на практике
Переводы пользователей (3)
- 1.
I’m keen to work on projects where I would have occasion to apply the knowledge/skills I’ve acquired/amassed.
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en3 - 2.
I’d like to participate in projects that will provide me the opportunity to apply my knowledge/skillset in practice.
Перевод добавила Tatiana GerasimenkoЗолото ru-en3 - 3.
I’m interested in collaborating on projects that will give me the opportunity to put my knowledge/skills into practice.
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en3
Обсуждение (13)
Thank you, Tatiana and Uly!
Tatiana, I actually really like APPLY. Just a few fixes: I’d like to participate in projects that will provide ME THE opportunity to apply my knowledge/skillset.
Sorry... in practice.
Aha! Thank you))
collaborating - это сотрудничество. Не очень удачное слово для письма о приеме на работу, тем более от студента
In this context, it just means to work with other people on something.
OK, you know better
Why would COLLABORATION be so strange in Russian? Don’t student collaborate with others on things - especially in prospective jobs?
I think that's because the contexts where we could find it were exclusively economic or political ones.
Ok 👌🏼
I think that's because the contexts where we could find it were exclusively economic or political ones.
Not exclusively. You can find it in science, research as well as other areas. However, as I see it, normally it's between groups with lot of resourses and capabilities. It can be one person, but a well established one. For a newcomer graduate, currently a student, it sounds far too ambitious to me, not to say immodest.