Many thanks, Sabina :)
Феноменологов интересуют не столько объективные различия социальных феноменов, сколько их субъективное восприятие на уровне обыденного сознания людей в процессе их взаимодействий.
Переводы пользователей (2)
- 1.
PHENOMENOLOGISTS are not so much interested in the objective differences inherent in social phenomena as they are in their subjective perception on the level of the common consciousness of people in the course of their interactions.
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en1 - 2.
Phemenologists are interested not so much in the objective differences of social phenomena as in the subjective perception of the latter at the level of human everyday consciousness in the process of interaction/communication
Перевод добавил Sabina Bakhisheva0
Обсуждение (33)
Yes, their perception)))
Their perception? I'd like to ask: whose? Your photo and photo of you are slightly different things! In other words, моё восприятие и восприятие меня это разные вещи
of the social phenomena
Моё восприятие и восприятие меня это разные вещи
Нет, неверно
In English, it makes sense. Even in Russian it says ИХ субъективное восприятие because it’s only logical.
Нет, это неправильно! Если фото мое я скажу my photo,если не моё но со мной я скажу a photo of me. Понимаете разницу? К сожалению можно сказать только perception of phenomena! Their это принадлежность
Правильно! Sorry sweetie, welcome to English:
Let me know when you’re done teaching me and ready to start learning and I can help take your English to amazing heights. You have an excellent basis. You’re not the first person on here who has fallen victim to the Dunning-Kruger effect - but you’re not beyond hope!
Going back to your translation, here’s another important detail: in order to use THE LATTER, there has to be more than one element - there has to be A FORMER.
“Last year I visited two European cities, Prague and Moscow. The former had gorgeous architecture and the latter had a great nightlife.”
“their perception” is too broad a search. I gave you a specific example of THEIR PERCEPTION in the precise grammatical role we’re discussing.
Latter is something I like more and it's correct
Latter is great, but there has to be something else to contrast it with in the sentence.
Uly, please leave me alone! I don't want to deal with your wounded pride anymore
Al, please refer to my translation - at least I spelled the FIRST WORD correctly. Also note that as in Russian, THEIR PERCEPTION is correct and grammatical.
Sabine, please correct your translation - people are here to learn English!
Al, don't forget to refer to his translation! At least, he spelled correctly! Хороший мальчик, возьми с полки пирожок
You aren't native! You language is too polished for that
Pathetic! Men behave like that? So fussy, so wounded🤦
You of all people should judge my English!
You give strange sources! Turkish guy? Are you kidding? It is not correct
So what? I can't judge it cause you are the king of this site
Whatever you say - you must be a phenemologist!
In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king 🤴🏻
Dunning-Kruger effect