"a word dropped from a song makes it all wrong"
- Это калька с русского, но довольно удачная
Так можно же в комментарий излишек текста поместить! Из песни слов не выкинешь))))
So if you go over, you can just put/throw the extra words in the comment section! The song remains the same))))
💝Thank you Tatiana, for the interesting content. ⌦ GO OVER here is short for going over the limit - any limit. ▶︎ We don't really have anything that translates из песни слов не выкинешь directly, but THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME translates what you mean and is also the title of an extremely popular Led Zeppelin album, so it strikes a cultural note as well.
"a word dropped from a song makes it all wrong"
- Это калька с русского, но довольно удачная
Grumbler, не знаю)
Uly, не за что)) 👍
Saying из песни слов не выкинешь, I meant that shortening a snippet could make it duller. 🤔
Grumble, that’s a cute translation, but we don’t say that.
Tatiana, I know. “The song remains the same“ implies that you don’t want anything changed.
Aha! Just wanted to be sure))