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Jojo Luiasked for translation 6 лет назад
How to translate? (ru-en)

Родоначальный Свет Вселенной

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⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 6 лет назад


Jojo Luiadded a comment 6 лет назад

Neither Oxford, nor Cambridge dictionaries provide definition 'initially giving birth'( and/or other explanation relevant to the word "родоначальный") for the word 'primordial'. Don't add irrelevant terms from Astronomy instead of translation. 'Родоначальный Свет Вселенной' is wider concept than 'Primordial Light of the Universe' as long as it is more about Philosophy than Astronomy and all of it's perusals too.

grumbleradded a comment 6 лет назад

Don't add? Irrelevant?
Nobody except you knows what this "more about".
https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q="Родоначальный+Свет+Вселенной" - No results found for "Родоначальный Свет Вселенной"

Jojo Luiadded a comment 6 лет назад


Jojo Luiadded a comment 6 лет назад

use at least Google Books or scholars

Jojo Luiadded a comment 6 лет назад

Even one occular demonstration from Classical Oriental Philosophy matters. Thus, u cannot mock at all this. Oh God don't talk shit plz 😂😂 N.B. As long as the case is about Academic and other Sources available in Russian there is a huge gap in digitalization and/or just restricted access to them; so Google is not as helpful as it could be. U gotta pay to Russian Institutions like Academy of Sciences to get some specific publications from China or virtually any other corner of the World in Russian.

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 6 лет назад

Grumbler’s translation sounds perfectly plausible and correct to me. If you know so fucking much, why didn’t you just translate it yourself. Work on your English - too many words and no cohesion.

Jojo Luiadded a comment 6 лет назад

Dude! Grumbler does not even use the idea of 'Primordial Light of the Universe'; it mentions another concept instead: 'Primordial Light/ Изначальное излучение'. Just read the article u attached; there's no Grumbler's translation - the point is what u suggested and it's nonsense.

Your other arguments deserve no comments. No comments 😂😂

grumbleradded a comment 6 лет назад

Do you not understand how ridiculous you are? You know much about your 'philosophy' and know English well enough to DIY.
Instead, without giving any context, you ask strangers for help and then blame them for 'irrelevance' (to what?!).
How is it possible to translate something that is impossible to understand in the first place?
The article I found is about "light from the Universe’s first stars" that below WAS called "this primordial light".
And "one occular demonstration" wasn't from "Classical Oriental Philosophy", at least on my side. As I said it was some modern "dithyramb to Stalin" (!).
"РОДОНАЧАЛЬНЫЙ СВЕТ МАТРИАРХАТ ..." - very helpful indeed.

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 6 лет назад

Grumbler, it’s not even worth arguing. Just look at their English. They said I attached something - all I did was give you +++

⁌ ULY ⁍added a comment 6 лет назад

...deserve no COMMENT 😂

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