one writes things and the implications shriek - it's like suddenly realizing one's deaf

He'd seen it in a junk-shop in Edinburgh, and brought it all the way down.
- 1.
Он увидел это/его/её (предмет, о котором идёт речь) в магазине подержанных вещей (комиссионном магазине)!в Эдинбурге и привёз оттуда домой/в офис и т.д.
Traducción agregada por Holy MolyOro en-ru

The horrid old man Sinbad had to carry on his back.

She had on that special queasy-bright look women like her put on for girls of my age.

I've been leaving the worst to last. Women.
- 1.
Я (просто) оставил худшее напоследок: женщины.
Traducción agregada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Oro en-ru

Piers was at his slickest and cheapest and Antoinette was almost parodying herself

They'd come up to Hampstead to have coffee and we were to go to Everyman, but the queue was to long. So I let them bully me into taking them round.
- 1.
Они приехали в Хэмстед, чтобы выпить со мной кофе. Мы решили пойти в кафе Everyman, но очередь была слишком длинной, поэтому я позволил им уговорить меня показать им окрестности/свой дом.
Traducción agregada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Oro en-ru

I knew her lark, no sooner she was up out of the room she was as good as gone

After I took in the parcels I wasn't to see her
- 1.
* * *
Traducción agregada por ⁌ ULY ⁍Oro en-ru

there was a pretty green plate with a cottage moulded in relief that hung by the window