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Татьяна Плюснинаспросила перевод 8 лет назад
Как перевести? (en-ru)
My kinda gift
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We use MY KIND OF to express something that we're partial to - often with NOW at the beginning. It can also express an improvement over another choice. For example, you check into a hotel and they show you to a small, dingy room. You complain, and they take you to a spacious, bright room. You can say: "Now this is my kind of room!" It's another way of saying "Now this is what I call a room!"
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото en-ru4 - 2.
типа мой подарок
Перевод добавил Igor YurchenkoЗолото en-ru1