-Serj: working GOOD isn't grammatical.
мои часы идут хорошо, с тех пор как я их отремонтировал
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y not? is there any difference btween Im good n Im fine?
WELL and FINE can be adverbs, however GOOD can only be an adjective.
I'M GOOD is technically incorrect, although a lot of people say it (including me)
no, actually good has become an adverb long time ago, check some new dictionaries. Plus I was just told by a native speaker in the TeamSpeak that both variants (working good and working well) are valid, theres no mistake or how u put it "isnt grammatical" in using good. Its just a matter of choice or habit. Plus ofc the "feeling good", "I feel good I knew that I would" very old song n lots of things like that exist no matter what!
Serj, there is a group of copular verbs that take adjectives instead of adverbs, that's why you hear: it tastes good, it feels good, it looks good... because these are all copular verbs. I don't know who your friend is on teamspeak, but I assure you that your sentence with "good" isn't correct, and I don't agree that "good" has become an adverb.
ok, u have a right 2 have your opinion, I dont argue with that! the native speaker is american.
I'm also a native American. There are lots of native Americans who don't know how to speak correctly. I can assure you that saying "my watch is working good" will immediately classify you as someone with a low education or no education.
Serj, I'd like to point out that for a grown-up it's a little inappropriate to use this teenage internet slang. It doesn't show your high level of English, it's actually quite the opposite. I mean of course it's totally up to you, but grown up intelligent people just don't communicate to each other like that. Especially when you're talking to someone who is not your close friend.
Also, I posted this question in a very reliable English language forum and this is the response I got. I urge to read every word:
Olga, and by teenage internet slang u mean what exactly? ofc or u or 2? is it a slang? its just a quicker way to post messages afaik. I think I can use it in comments, surely I never use it in translations.
Thank u, Uly, for your work! Thanks 4 calling me an idiot n laughing at me with yo friends there, I really appreciate that! U truly r a gr8 help for russians here, with that kind of attitude u deserve your gold. Ive read it all n I dont find it 100% convincing. Some ppl argue with u but u keep calling what I used "idiotic". It only shows mr. Check New Dictionaries is partially right. My teamspeak friend said personally he wouldve used "well" but using "good" is not a mistake.
Then by all means use GOOD. I didn't call you an idiot - I called the use of GOOD as an adverb IDIOTIC. If you read the post carefully, most everybody agreed. Maybe that's how they speak in your TeamSpeak friend's trailer park, but for the rest of the English speakers in the educated world, it sounds like shit. Good luck to you :)
By the way, your friend saying "I wouldn't say it, but it's not wrong" is like saying "Here drink this - I wouldn't drink it, but it won't kill you" Your friend wouldn't say it because he does't want to sound stupid!
Serj, like I said - it's your choice. I only pointed out that grown up intelligent people simply don't communicate with each other like that. But, of course, it's also a matter of social groups people belong to. Anyway it was only a friendly advice :)
Also if I were you I'd listen to what Uly said about all this "good is an adverb" matter. He means no offense, he only wants to help. Believe me, there is English and there is English. And which one of them you speak may say a lot about you at some point.
And that was exactly my point. If a native speaker said My watch is working good, we would smile and take into account their educational background, and other factors that would lead to them speaking like that. But a non-native knowingly using this kind of bad language just doesn't make any sense and sounds highly unnatural because there are no such determining factors to speak of - it's just confusing.
Uly, I don't think "working good" from a non-native would be frowned upon. It's only natural to make mistakes in English if it's not your mother tongue. BUT why make them after you've been corrected by a professional translator, that's inexplicable. Men, men, men... so competitive :)
Well that's exactly what I mean. If you grew up in an impoverished part of the country and naturally spoke that way as a native, that would be one thing. But to set out as a native to purposely say "my watch is working good" is ludicrous. It's like some people write я имел ввиду, and someone corrects me, but I think it looks cool, so I'm going to start writing ввиду and I don't care what anybody thinks. I'm deliberately putting myself at a disadvantage because I can't accept the bitter truth that it makes me look ignorant.
Also, "working good" from a beginner would not be frowned upon, I agree, but what confuses me is that Serj's English is otherwise very good.
Ive just used this very site to check the good word and guess what - 3. нареч., разг. хорошо! :) Impossible!
Uly, no no, you are wrong! Im from the contemptible class!
Serj, after everything I've seen on this site, I'm not surprised that they have GOOD as an adverb. That doesn't make it so. However, there is a class that uses this form and if you want to belong to that class, you have every right. By the way, the contemptible class comment wasn't mine. I happen to think your English is excellent and frankly I was shocked when I saw your sentence. As Olga said, I was only trying to help :) I've removed my translation so that yours can shine as an example for all to use.
Was there even a contemptible class comment? I can't find it.
It wasnt yours, but you've said "Yes, he is".
"'I've removed my translation so that yours can shine as an example for all to use." Why? I dont get it. Even if you gave up arguing with me the right variant should stay for the sake of all the people on the site! Put it back, please, or... or I will! I should've given up long time ago! Believe it or not, I wanted to put 'fine' at first when I was thinking about the translation, but then I thought of 'good', looked it up in a dictionary and saw its both adjective and adverb, so I thought it was acceptable. But its not. Thanks for discussion anyway!
I said "Yes, he is" to the entire sentence: "Your Russian correspondent needs to understand that a person's speech immediately classifies him, and he is insisting on locking himself into a contemptible class." So what I meant was that "yes, he is insisting..." not "yes, he is in a contemptible class." And while we're on the subject, your English is much more legible and impressive when you use whole words :) There's not one mistake in your previous message, which is what confused me about this whole thing.