Также unrecyclable
Я веду проект по минимизации количества неперерабатываемых отходов.
Переводы пользователей (1)
- 1.
I'm heading a project aimed at reducing the amount of non-recyclable waste.
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en2
Обсуждение (11)
Elena, WASTE is collective
Uly, industrial wastes are meant:
I know exactly what it means, I'm talking about the plural form WASTES, which looks and sounds horrific. We consider waste a collective noun, so when we wish to pluralize it, we put a plural word with it: waste materials, waste products, etc.
Here is a google search for the exact words "non-recyclable wastes." Notice that in the results, all the instances of "waste" are collective:
By the way, I didn't vote you down.
Here's a search for "industiral wastes" - even though I entered the plural form, all the results are collective:
Here's an N-gram of "reduce industrial waste" and "reduce industrial wastes" - notice that the plural variant doesn't even register on the gram, meaning that it doesn't appear even once in the millions of books that the Ngrams are based on.
All right, thank you, Uly
no problem :)