Никто тебя за язык не тянул
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Nobody held a gun to your head
Комментарий переводчика
Перевод добавил | Валерий |Бронза ru-en2
Обсуждение (18)
If you describe the context, I can give you the English equivalent.
⦿ ULY added a comment 9 years ago
We would say (in the States) "Nobody held a gun to your head" -or- "You got it - I'm going to hold you to that!" However, this conversation isn't the best example. We use these expressions when someone does something for you, and then turns around and throws it in your face. For example, you lost your job and your friend pays your rent for three months until you get back on your feet. Then a few years later, you have a disagreement and he says "I even paid your rent when you were out of work!" and you could respond "Nobody held a gun to your head - you did that because you wanted to!"
Думаю, это подходящий вариант
Или правда можно сказать, как Ольга -- pull your tongue?
Holy Moly added a comment 9 years ago
Well yeah, but this one is a bit different from the Russian expression "тянуть за язык". This expression is usually about a promise that was made. It's like you say to your friend who just lost his job: "Don't worry, it's gonna be fine, I'll help you to get through this, I'll pay your rent or you can come crash at my place..." And your friend says "Ok, I didn't pull your tongue" meaning that you offered your help and he didn't ask you to. Or you can say it to someone who happened to break their promise.
No, she was being literal.
Тоже без контекста, идиома.
А что это за конструкция такая -- was being?!
she is being rude/naughty/sarcastic/literal...
BEING is used to express someone’s attitude when writing or saying something:
— Why did you send me that angry message?
— I wasn’t angry; I was being sarcastic.
— Why are you asking me so many questions, officer? Shouldn’t you be looking for the man who robbed me?
— I’m just being thorough, ma’am.
— Do people really say PULL YOUR TONGUE, like Olga said?
— No, that’s what they say in Russian. She was just being literal.
So how do you say this in Russian?
...; это был сарказм / буквальный перевод
я просто дотошный/доскональный человек - но это более общее утверждение - сейчас и вообще. Иначе перевод будет более многословным -
Впрочем, почему бы не сказать "Это просто (моя) дотошность/доскональность"
In this context (what Olga SAID, what the police officer ASKED, the message the guy WROTE) the form BEING is used to justify one’s WORDS — one’s attitude at the time of saying or writing them.
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