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Станислав Киварвитспросил перевод 9 anos atrás
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He speaks in horror of the disdain many Americans show for Mexican immigrants—whom he calls “the cream of the crop”...

Комментарий автора

He speaks in horror of the disdain many Americans show for Mexican immigrants—whom he calls “the cream of the crop”—as if it were borne of some crazy misunderstanding, rather than embedded nativist resentment and economic anxiety.

Журнал The Economist от 28 may 2016, статья The Libertarian Party: Guns,weed and relevance, p. 26.

Переводы пользователей (1)

  1. 1.

    Он с ужасом говорит о презрении, с которым многие американцы относятся к мексиканцам (их он называет лучшими из лучших) как

    Комментарий переводчика

    как если бы оно, презрение, появилось от какого-то нелепого недопонимания, а не было бы результатом укоренившейся «нативистической» злобы и обеспокоенности за экономику.

    Перевод добавил Aleh La
    Золото en-ru

Обсуждение (2)

Станислав Киварвитдобавил комментарий 9 anos atrás

Абзац, содержащий это предложение:
With publicity, he could catch on. He has the accomplishments of a chest-beating conservative hero—he is a self-made millionaire, triathlete and razor-beaked deficit hawk; he vetoed 750 spending bills in New Mexico. He is also a sometime dope smoker (he resparked his youthful habit in 2005 to manage the pain from a paragliding accident), who comes across as almost goofily unaffected. He speaks in horror of the disdain many Americans show for Mexican immigrants—whom he calls “the cream of the crop”—as if it were borne of some crazy misunderstanding, rather than embedded nativist resentment and economic anxiety. Voters sick of political polish might like the mix: he really is authentic. Yet Mr Johnson’s main cause for hope is the unpopularity of the likely Republican and Democratic alternatives.


Aleh Laдобавил комментарий 9 anos atrás

«нативистической» от слова нативизм, что сродни национализму, но не тождественно.

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