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John's parents were very upset when he dropped out of college.
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Обсуждение (2)
There are at least five rules at play here. Rule 1: Every sentence has to have a subject. Rule 2: The suffix 's makes nouns possessive. Rule 3: The past tense of the verb "to be" for the plural number is WERE. Rule 4: Adverbs modify adjectives and may take the ending -ly. Although VERY is a common adjective, it is avoided in writing, where a more emotive form of the adjective is preferred: John's parents were LIVID when he dropped out of college. Rule 5: The questions words when, which, who, where etc. can be used to link two or more complete sentences in what is known as dependent clauses that make up a complex sentence. In this case: "John's parents were very upset" -and- "He dropped out of college" are linked by the element "when."