хуй соси!
я пойду в институт
I’m off to school/class.
If the speaker is just heading to school for the day, we wouldn’t specify that we’re going to COLLEGE or UNIVERSITY. We would say SCHOOL or CLASS.
I’m going to be going to college
I’m going (to go) to college
I’m off to college
I am going to institute
хуй соси!
So is this something someone says when they finish breakfast and are going to school, or is it about a general statement about the fact that they will be starting college?
It can be both. My first impression was about starting college, but, on second thought, I realized it could be just about going to school.
thank you!
Дмитрий, не могли бы вы удалить вашу попытку - она совсем неправильная.
Дарья, в таком контексте никто бы не сказал I AM, a скорее I’M. Еще INSTITUTE не значит в английском то же самое, что в русском. Без объяснения никто понятия бы не имел, о каком же «институте» идет речь.
My first thought was the speaker is going to go to the college in spite of the quarantine.
Гадать можно бесконечно...
In that case, they would say “I’m off to school” (read my last translation and comment)