Ужин будет проходить в ресторане мариот
Ужин будет проходить в ресторане Марриотт
ОтредактированThe dinner's going to be held at the Marriott Restaurant.
Ужин будет проходить в ресторане Марриотт
ОтредактированThe dinner will be held at the Marriott Restaurant.
Ужин будет проходить в ресторане Марриотт
ОтредактированThe dinner's going to take place at the Marriott Restaurant.
Ужин будет проходить в ресторане Марриотт
ОтредактированThe dinner will take place at the Marriott Restaurant.
BE HELD is very official. If this is just a friendly announcement, you just “Dinner will be at...” or even “Dinner’s at...” (no article)
TAKE PLACE is also official
“Thursday is our annual Employee Recognition Event. There will be an awards ceremony in our auditorium at 6pm. Dinner will be at the Marriott at 7. Transportation is available.”
“Washington is bustling in preparation for the Royal Visit of Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain. There will be a presentation on the White House lawn followed by a state dinner. The dinner will be held/take place at the home of the Spanish ambassador.”