A HINT is a word or tip that reminds you of something you already know. It’s not the same as advice. A: I know that guy from somewhere. B: Of course you do. I can’t believe you don’t remember. A: Give me a hint. B: Miami... swimming pool... A: Oh my God!!! Let’s get the hell out of here before he sees me!!
Можете дать совет как быстро набрать подписчиков?
Переводы пользователей (3)
- 1.
Can you give me some advice on how to get subscribers fast?
Перевод добавил Elena BogomolovaЗолото ru-en6 - 2.
Could you give me some advice on getting/on how to get subscribers quickly?
Перевод добавил Sɯɐɹʇ WɐɔusБронза ru-en4 - 3.
Please give me some advice on how I can get followers as quickly as possible.
Комментарий переводчика
Если имеются в виду Facebook, Instagram и т. п.
Перевод добавила Tatiana GerasimenkoЗолото ru-en1
Обсуждение (18)
Alex, COLLECT sounds bizarre there.
Tatiana, PLEASE ADVISE is an official request for information or a response: “You have been summoned to appear in court. Please advise when you’ll be available for an initial phone call.”
Actually, Lena, “Could YOU give me...”
Елена, может, Вы tip имели в виду?
TIP would work, but plural SOME TIPS
The rest of Elena’s translation is actually the most natural.
Uly, thank you. Is there a way to fix my translation? I actually meant to sound as succinct as possible.
Please GIVE ME SOME advise ON how to get SUBSCRIBERS/followers as QUICKLY as possible?
Is "subscribers" a better word for подписчики when you refer to those who follow you on social media? The version of English on my phone use FOLLOW/FOLLOWING/FOLLOWERS on all the social network.
I think you can use both, but for some reason I hear SUBSCRIBERS more - especially on YouTube.
thank you!
Of course, " Could you"!
Thank you, Uly.
Aha! There's some technical difference. See what I found:
"After a year of allowing people to subscribe to profiles, Facebook has now changed the terms "Subscribe/Subscribers" to "Follow/Followers"... "
Tatiana, yes, they are both correct, but just because Facebook changes subscribers to followers doesn’t mean that it takes immediately. People still say subscribers, which is why it was the first thing that came to mind when I read this post. The same thing happened with THE Ukraine. They changed it to just Ukraine, but people keep saying THE. But that was an interesting article. Thank you))
BTW, if you were looking for a succinct way to say this, look no further than Elena’s translation.
🙏 Good to know!