If a Russian made up their mind /decided to not do anathing, there's no stopping them.¿
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If a Russian made up their mind /decided to not do anathing, there's no stopping them.¿
Once a Russian decides not to do anything, there’s no stopping them.
If a Russian made up his mind to loaf, nothing will keep him from this (?)
ONCE a Russian MAKES up his mind to loaf AROUND, THERE’S NO keepING him from IT.
Интересно! 🙏👍
if ... decided to do nothing, you can't stop him doing this (?)
“If... decideS to do nothing, you can’t stop him.” But it’s not very idiomatic according to the meaning of the meme.
That would be more fitting in this scenario. A delinquent broke into the neighborhood grocery store and stole money from the safe. The owner called the police and they caught the young man, but the owner decided not to press charges. The neighborhood families are appalled - they want justice. The policeman let’s the boy go and says “If the owner decides to do nothing, you can’t stop him (the owner)” ... meaning that if the owner decides not to pursue legal action, there’s nothing the police or the neighborhood can do - they have to let the boy go.
Я лично эти "меме" не люблю и не понимаю. Если картинка просто иллюстрирует текст, повторяет его, на мой взгляд, это просто скучно.
Да, в данном случае картинка иллюстрирует *единственный* возможный смысл русской фразы.
С другой стороны, если фраза *неоднозначная* и картинка показывает неожиданное значение - в этом есть своя прелесть. Это своего рода "классический" юмор картинок с подписью.
Tatiana, really?
I assume you’re joking 🙃
Татьяна, пожалуйста, удалите. Это не смешно ни разу.
Кто-нибудь может подумать, что это реальный перевод.