Without more context, this sounds like a comparison. They were talking about someone they considered kind of "off," and then this guy came up, possibly as a someone more sane, and the speaker argues this this guy also has more than a few "crazy moments." I wouldn't interpret it as "very crazy" - just not as sane as everyone would make him out to be. [Mother]: Everybody knows that Bobby's a drinker - and when he drinks, he gets mean. Aren't you tired of being humiliated by him every weekend in front of your friends? You should date someone like Ricky next door. He studies, has a nice job, doesn't DRINK... [Daughter]: Ricky may not "drink," mother, but he has more than his fair share of vices. He smokes pot morning, noon and night, AND he drags his girlfriends to strip clubs on weekends and makes them watch him get lap-dances. So if it's all the same with you, I'll take Bobby and his drinking any day, thank you! I'd rather reform a drinker than a pothead, womanizing pervert!