а почему had? Всё остальное верно
Иосиф Тимченко сконструировал первый в мире прототип киноаппарата, а также десятки уникальных аппаратов и механизмов
Timchenko had designed the world's first movie camera prototype as well as tens of unique apparatuses and mechanisms.
is it correct?
Josef Timchenko built the prototype for the world's first movie camera, as well as dozens of other unique devices and mechanisms.
Timchenko designed the world's first movie camera prototype as well as tens of unique apparatuses and mechanisms
а почему had? Всё остальное верно
had долой
In English, we don't count in TENS of things.
This statement could conceivably and correctly be translated with either the past perfect or the simple past, depending on its historical valency within the context.
Thank you Uly
Anytime buddy
Actually, that's not about Lumiere movie camera and Timchenko didnt invented movie camera himself, that was Russ. professor Liubimov's idea. Timchenko was a mechanician and Liubimov asked him to design the device. But they didnt demonstrated any photo images, just an image of a line that turned around its center. That was 1 year before Lumiere's
first movie show.
So should "the world's first prototype of movie camera" be better?
No, normally you build the prototype FOR something.