"for visiting me myself" - что-то здесь не так
я хочу у генерала сама взять разрешение на приезд ко мне
Переводы пользователей (3)
- 1.
I want to personally ask the general to give (someone) a leave so that (he) can come visit me
Комментарий переводчика
assuming that we're taking about the army here
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en3 - 2.
I'm going to personally get the general's permission for visiting me.
Перевод добавила Holy MolyЗолото ru-en2 - 3.
I want myself to get a permission from the general for visiting me
Перевод добавил grumblerЗолото ru-en2
Обсуждение (20)
Сначала я написала I want myself.. - и мне показалось, что там что-то не так... не уверена
Sorry, but none of these translations make any sense. What is the situation? I can't make it out from the Russian or much less from the translations.
I'm going to get the general's permission myself
Uly, this is clear, ok?
Now we need to put "for visiting me" somewhere, the permission for visiting me. We're confused about the word order here...
But who exactly is visiting who?
A girl, may be she is in prison, wants to get a permission from a general for visiting her
The general?
That makes no sense. For WHO to visit her?
I don't think there are generals in prisons 😊 Generals are in the army.
I thought that she probably wants her boyfriend who is currently in the army to get a leave and come visit her.
In all of these translations, VISIT is missing an argument.
You’re correct, Olga, prisons have a warden.
оля , как к Вам можно обращаться прямо
Olga, check this out
I just responded 😂
She’s amazing!
So, does my translation look correct here?
Yes, totally.
Тамара, что вы имеете в виду под "обращаться прямо"? 😊