stomped the class turtle
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You would have thought someone had just stomped the class turtle.
I need to learn to discern my food impulses, the “feel likes” and the cravings that arise within me.
What do I really want as it relates to food: to lose weight or to live healthy and whole as it relates to the gift of food?
life, in all ways possible
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God wanted Alan’s life, in all ways possible, and God wanted me to trust him completely.
spooning soggy cornflakes into a swinging melon suspended from the ceiling, inserting a coin into your car’s CD player, and attempting to stuff a live octopus into a string bag so no arms hang out.
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The tests include things like going to bed (again) at 2:45 a.m. and getting up when the alarm goes off at 3:00 a.m., spooning soggy cornflakes into a swinging melon suspended from the ceiling, inserting a coin into your car’s CD player, and attempting to stuff a live octopus into a string bag so no arms hang out.
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Тесты включают ... 'кормление' качающейся дыни, подвешенной к потолку, размякшими кукурузными хлопьями, засовыване монеты в щель проигрывателя CD, а также попытку запихнуть живого осьминога в авоську так, чтобы ни одно из щупалец не торчало наружу.
Tradução adicionada por grumblerOuro en-ru
life-on-life relationships
kickative mood
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We are all born with a rebel spirit (or, as I sometimes say, in a kickative mood).
So what are we to make of this S-word?
We can have the whole neon rainbow of highlighter colors at our side, ready for study.
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Мы можем знать Библию вдоль и поперек. Мы можем иметь на вооружении маркеры всех цветов радуги, готовые для ее изучения
Tradução adicionada por grumblerOuro en-ru
Looking this addiction straight in the eye has brought me to my knees—To the cross.