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Andrey Sokorenkosolicitó una traducción hace 8 años
¿Cómo traducir? (ru-en)

какие выгоды я получаю из знаний полученых в процесе обучения

Traducciones de usuarios (5)

  1. 1.

    What benefits I glean form the knowledge I gained through the learning process.

    Traducción agregada por ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Oro ru-en
    Heart 3 icon-learnHat
  2. 2.

    What benefits do I glean from the knowledge I gained through the learning process?

    Traducción agregada por ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Oro ru-en
    Heart 3 icon-learnHat
  3. 3.

    What benefits I derive from the knowledge I gained during the studying process

    Traducción agregada por Elena Bogomolova
    Oro ru-en
    Heart 2 icon-learnHat
  4. 4.

    how I benefit from knowledge obtained in the learning process

    Traducción agregada por Alex Hrypun
    Bronce ru-en
    Heart 2 icon-learnHat
  5. 5.

    what advantages does the knowledge give me, that I've got while studying?

    Traducción agregada por grumbler
    Oro ru-en
    Heart 1 icon-learnHat

Discusión (17)

grumblerpublicó un comentario hace 8 años

how DO I benefit...

Elena Bogomolovapublicó un comentario hace 8 años

Это необязательно вопрос

Alex Hrypunpublicó un comentario hace 8 años

может быть частью составного предложения

Elena Bogomolovapublicó un comentario hace 8 años

Grumbler, если это вопрос : "What advantages does the knowledge that I get while studying give me?
Give без s на конце. I've got - у меня есть. А вообще, мне кажется, что эта конструкция очень громоздкая.

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario hace 8 años

Actually, I think it has more to do with the actual learning process. A lot of people feel that they could teach themselves a language, for example, but they feel they can learn a lot from the learning process involved in attending a school, being in a university environment, being in a class, having a structured curriculum, etc.

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario hace 8 años

so it's interpreted as GAIN instead of GAINED?

Elena Bogomolovapublicó un comentario hace 8 años

oh, right, полученных - gained

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario hace 8 años

😤 I changed it

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario hace 8 años

Grumbler, your sentence would be much more idiomatic with the verb phrase "give me" at the end: What advantages does the knowledge that I've gotten while studying give me? Also, I wouldn't use "while" because it sounds like something happened when you were in the midst of studying, e.g. I heard a loud boom while studying. I would say FROM STUDYING. So in summary: What advantages does the knowledge (that) I've gotten from studying give me? Also remember - you always write a comma before WHICH, but never before THAT: ...the knowledge that I've gotten.

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario hace 8 años

During the learning не звучит

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario hace 8 años

That doesn't work either

Elena Bogomolovapublicó un comentario hace 8 años

Если долго мучиться, что-нибудь получится 😁

⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario hace 8 años

👍🏼 это точно)

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