⁌ ULY ⁍publicó un comentario 8 years ago
+Yefim: even though you don't need a comma after "sisters"
Привет, Енс! Я посоветуюсь с сестрами, и потом отвечу. Хорошего Вам вечера
Hello, Jens! I will consult with my sisters, and then answer. Have a good evening
+Yefim: even though you don't need a comma after "sisters"
Как насчёт counsel здесь, Ули?
I don't really know what it means, does it mean to give somebody advice or just to discuss something with them and collaborate with them?
I'd thougt you know. I came across "go councelling with" here and dont know the exact translation. Judging by the context, it was smth like "советоваться с".