Wolfking Awesomefox
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имя собственное, Царь зверей...
Перевод добавил Ann S
I'm living in Switzerland. I'm the straightest looking man in the country.
There was nothing in his background that would have prevented him from getting a top-secret clearance. "He was so young," says this person. "He didn't have a history."
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В его истории не было ничего (такого), что помешало бы ему получить доступ к сверхсекретной информациию. "Он был таким молодым" - говорит этот человек*. "У него не было (никакой) истории".
Перевод добавил grumblerЗолото en-ru
In the intelligence community, power shifted downward, from senior agents, who often had trouble even logging on to their computers, to junior staffers with expertise in the new tools of spycraft.
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в разведывательных коллективах власть сместилась вниз, от старших агентов, которые зачастую с трудом даже логинятся в компьютеры, к младшему персоналу, у которого есть навыки работы с новыми инструментами шпионажа
Перевод добавил Anna Anna
Spotting a black cab parked near his home with the keys in ignition and needing to pay off a few household debts, Mr. Wilks jumped in and drove off. He worked the cab ranks of Victoria on the night shift. But four days later and 300 pounds the richer, the game was up.
This wave of new hires was the C.I.A.'s belated attempt to catch up with a world— and a series of external threats—that had changed radically since the end of the Cold War, when grappling with Communist countries had been its core mission.
It was the C.I.A.'s belated attempt to catch up with a world— and a series of external threats—that had changed radically since the end of the Cold War, when grappling with Communist countries had been its core mission.
Gold Plated Xtacy
He used to watch at a laptop in his dining room hour after hour after hour, his concentration intense, into the late evening, then past midnight, and on toward daybreak. "I was interested in figuring out how complex systems fit together, so I put them together and tore them apart," he says
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Он привык смотреть за ноутбуком в своей столовой час за часом, час за часом, он был полон концентрации, до позднего вечера, затем за полночь и ближе к рассвету. «Мне было интересно выяснить, как сложные системы сочетаются друг с другом, поэтому я собрал их вместе и разобрал», - говорит он.
Перевод добавил Tim Erfolg
I was interested in figuring out how complex systems fit together, so I put them together and tore them apart. (речь о компьютере)