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Let's go dutch - I don't feel right about you paying for me
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en - 2.
I'd prefer to pay for myself, if you don't mind. /Let's go Dutch, OK? I feel a bit awkward when you pay for me.
Перевод добавил Галина ПалагутаСеребро ru-en - 3.
Let me pay the bill. I feel awkward/I don't feel comfortable (about the fact you are going to pay)
Перевод добавил Andrew GalatinСеребро ru-en - 4.
I'd rather pay the bill myself
Перевод добавила Holy MolyЗолото ru-en - 5.
It's more convenient for me to pay the bill by myself.
Перевод добавил Alexei Mak