Velvik Velvikanswered 9 years ago
answer (en-ru)
"Build a body of work in a series, repeat that series until you beat it into the ground". Joel Grimez.
систематизируй работу и повторяй ее пока не овладеешь ей в совершенстве.
Velvik Velvikanswered 9 years ago
answer (en-en)
It is quite busy during tourist SEASON/ PERIOD/ PHASE or STAGE. what word is correct in this situation?
#Travel and outdoors
Velvik Velvikanswered 9 years ago
answer (ru-en)
1. Строить з песка. 2. Утешать. 3. Учить ходить. 4. Учить ездить на велосипеди. 5. Учить плавать.
2) to teach how to walk
3) to teach how to ride a bicycle
4) to teach how to swim