⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 7 years ago
to attach A credit card
привязать карту
to link a credit card
to add a credit card
to attach credit card
to attach A credit card
I was wondering about the verb. If this means to link the data of the credit card and the phone number to enable payments through the phone, is the verb correct?
No, that would be link or register a credit card
And what does "to attach a credit card" mean then: to fasten it to some other object?
I was more concerned with the missing article
I see. Когда говорят "привязать карту", имеют в виду "привязать её к конкретному номеру телефона её владельца. Других контекстов я просто не встречала. Вряд ли Дарья подразумевала что-то другое. Why not add the correсt translation?