Вот это да!
there was no way that I was not going to at least try
Переводы пользователей (1)
- 1.
ни при каких обстоятельствах я не отказался бы хотя бы попытаться
Перевод добавил Igor YurchenkoЗолото en-ru2
Обсуждение (30)
Татьяна , ты о чем?
Возможно ли, что обе версии верны, Игорь?
на мой взгляд, в том виде, в котором нас дано предложение - оба варианта примерно равновероятны. правильный из них только один, но чтобы понять какой нужен контекст
Да, я тоже вижу их в разных контекстах.
еще раз все перечитал - слово that делает мой вариант менее вероятным
Тогда обратный перевод? No way was I going to at least try?
Насколько я помню контекст,первый вариант подходит больше)
А можно этот контекст сюда, Семён?
Татьяна, ты в обратном случае больше подходит не at least, а even. "ни при каких обстоятельствах не буду я даже пытаться"
Верно! 👍
There is only one possible context for this statement: there is a proposed goal - let's say to win $1000 in a pie-eating contest. The odds are against you because you're small, you hate sugar, and one of the contestants is a 300 lb lardass that wins every year. But you're resolute. As you retell the story, you say: "Everyone was trying to dissuade me from competing, but there was no way I wasn't going to at least try." This means: AT THAT MOMENT there was nothing in the world that could keep me from trying.
This pattern can be applied to any scenario to express your refusal to do something: I didn't care if she was my best friend's daughter - there was no way I wasn't going to require a drug test before hiring her. You never know! (= nothing and nobody could convince me that a drug test was a bad idea just because she was my best friend's daughter)
Thank you! Then Igor's translation is correct.
Тогда как по-английски будет звучать перевод Елены?
Что-то вроде: There was no means I wasn't willing to try.
Means вместо way 🤔
At least that's how I understood it
Спасибо за разъяснения, Улий! Как всегда, было интересно! И полезно
Судя по всему, правильно😊
Главное, развеяли сомнения 🙄
Да! Amicus mihi Plato, sed etium amica veritas.
Татьяна, ты в заметки зайди )
Да, я уже заходила, собираюсь на работу, немного позже ещё повторю удовольствие)
Uly, that's exactly how I understood the phrase, and that's what I tried to translate.But what set me off a bit is the word "that" in the original phrase. “there was no way THAT I was not going to at least try”. Even you omit it in your example. does it make say difference?
Igor, that THAT is not incorrect there. It's just that we usually exclude THAT in almost all cases anyway.
thanks again, Uly!
Anytime, buddy