1. They do it for fond memories.
Konstantin Kimдобавил заметку 8 лет назад
heeeelp meeee
Обсуждение (7)
At first sight, it looks like this text wasn't written by native English speakers. My first instinct is that it was written by Russians because (1) they don't use commas after adverbial phrases at the beginning of the sentenced; (2) they used IT instead of THAT in "Why do you think people do IT?" (3) they use SUCH THINGS (4) No comma before WHICH (5) they write DO SHOPPING instead of DO THEIR SHOPPING (6) The independent question: "Are the disadvantages?"
thx 🖤🖤
Ха-ха, шпион разоблачён, как он ни старался!😎😁
Ули, в отношении (3), должно быть "they buy things LIKE that"? Да, у нас любят "such things", оно вообще не употребляется? И ещё, в (6) должно быть "Are there any disadvantages of paying by(?)/with the card?
Да, things like that. Also, I misread the last sentence - I thought it said "Are the disadvantages?" But it correctly says "Are THERE ANY disadvantages " which is correct.
Спасибо большое!