champ - это типа шимпанзе?
в нашей стране чавканье означает проявление уважения.
Smacking is considered a sign of respect in this country.
champ - это типа шимпанзе?
или чемпион.
спасибо не знал что это значит савсем ни то.
только голову нам не отгрызайте
Elena, this is my first time seeing that word in my life. We call that SMACKING (when you chew food with your mouth open and make audible noises).
Thank you, Uly, as ever :)
Смак - соответственно
However, I found the word "champ" here :
только без мака со смаком - уау
у нас другой мак - умница
Thank you, as ALWAYS
I know the word exists, but I know it as chomping, which is not necessarily about sound, but more about the movement. Chewing slow and big like a horse. And in the expression "chomping at the bit".
so i can say - chomp on this - when i want someone to do better
without groove theres no music man))) thanks again
in Cameroon they speak french - so they accepted the rules. but we have a lot to learn from them also. i like their songs. they like our culture.
Uly, "as ever" is not the same as "as always"?
im not gonna use links
Elena, that sounds really strange to me. We normally use it in comparison's: He's as nasty as ever.
i speak paradoxes - its also not bad. man wants als wanna be the womans first love - while she wants to give it like its the last romance ...
omg - i never been a man -)))))
I'll delete it from my memory)
because you eat heads - me too - but other way
smaller ones