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⁌ ULY ⁍добавил заметку 8 anos atrás

заметка (en-ru)

What has this site come to?

When I first discovered LingvoLive, I was over the moon. I saw the opportunity to (1) learn lots of valuable Russian words and expressions, and (2) help the English learners improve their English. At that time, there were two or three users who had their own versions of English and weren’t interested in being corrected or learning the correct way. However, for the most part, I found the more intelligent and ambitious users quite eager to leverage my native proficiency by asking questions, changing their translations and even contacting me offsite when they wanted to discuss something with me in earnest. During that time, I was the No. 1 Translator on the site and I felt that I had earned that title and was quite proud of it.

Then I was away from the site for a few months and when I came back, I saw that user Yefim Yasnogorsky was now quickly ascending to the No. 1 spot. I thought "Great - let’s see what he’s got!” Yet looking over his translations, I noted that 95% of them were incorrect, unidiomatic and/or utter nonsense. As in the past, I offered corrections and advice, yet these went ignored and unheeded. Other users suggested edits, which he would totally ignore as well. Yefim continued to churn out that bullshit he calls English, and even justified some of it by saying “This is how Americans speak!” All that aside, the glaring problem here is that these atrocious translations are being read by learners and probably ending up in the dictionary. I suspect that Yefim has a second account that he uses to award himself hearts and thus secure his position. Now he has Gold status!

My question is: Where is LingvoLive in all this? Do they not care about the integrity of their site? How can they allow this charlatan to clog their “learning” website with an erroneous, fabricated, sporadic excuse for English and then claim the distinction of being their No. 1 Translator? If this is LingvoLive English, I want no part of it.

I challenge LingvoLive to take a good hard look at what they’re endorsing on this resource and ask themselves if this is how they want to be represented. Or perhaps they actually DON'T care about the integrity of their site, in which case Yefim is in good company and I congratulate him.

I know Natasha Forlova is no longer here, and I don’t know who replaced her, yet I would appreciate a response from someone at LingvoLive for the sake of everyone here who’s interested in making this a quality language-learning resource again.


Обсуждение (31)

Yefim Yasnogorskyдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Goodbye, lingvo mafia
Enjoy translations

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

We would enjoy them more if you weren't doing them.

Marissa Zebaduaдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Lo siento, Uly. Ya muchos han hablado de ese chico. Los que no hablamos ni leemos ruso, casi no nos damos cuenta de esto. Pero que muchos han cuestionado su calidad en el trabajo. Espero alguien del equipo te conteste pronto. Abrazo. No pierdas esperanza, hay mucha gente rusa que te quiere y busca tus consejos para mejorar. :-)

Holy Molyдобавила комментарий 8 anos atrás

Yefim, if by "mafia" you mean "people who actually KNOW the language", then yes, there are a bunch of us here and yes, we're happy to be the "Lingvo mafia".
And you, instead of being in total denial, could actually try and learn something from people here.

Yefim Yasnogorskyдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Have no ability to hear dead!

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Gracias, Marissa :) No es un chico, es un viejo zángano que se las pasa poniendo traducciones atroces y luego dándose corazones con una cuenta aparte. Entre una cosa y otra, ha llegado a ser el Traductor No. 1 y parece que la administración del sitio no se da cuenta no les importa. A me da pena con los que están estudiando inglés y ven esos disparates y piensan que están correctos. Yo quiero seguir ayudando a los usuarios rusos, pero me da grima que ese tipo sea No. 1 y ahora con una medalla de oro.

Holy Molyдобавила комментарий 8 anos atrás

Yefim, you're obviously a grown ass dude, but you behave like a school boy. Even your last comment shows how immature you are.

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Uly, answering your question who replaced Natasha - I'm afraid nobody (at least the replacement person is not visible).
And this is not the first time when The Users raise their concerns - but we have never received any response...

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

It's unconscionable. This site could be so much fun, but it's a free-for-all. There should be a moderator to remove repeated posts, gauge the accuracy of translations, resolve disputes, and be the final editor of what makes in into the dictionary. We have powerhouse English translators like Olga, Aleh, Elena and Jane, and yet Yefim is the No.1 Translator! He can barely put together two words. There's just no sense of community because we need a point person. LingvoLive just doesn't seem to care.

Marissa Zebaduaдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Es una pena, Uly. Ya chequé su perfil y parece un hombre maduro. Pero quizá sea un perfil falso, también. No creo que un señor fuera tan grosero e irritante. Espero que la administración te conteste pronto.

Igor Yurchenkoдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

"mafia": "people who actually KNOW the language and try to force their knowledge on artistic freethinking souls and crush any alternative vision of the language under their facist heel"
And to be serious for a change, I'm a little bit worried, that whoever comes (or in fact has come) to take Natasha's place (though they'll never be able to take her place in our hearts) would try to do something without actually knowing the local ecosystem. Like, I don't know, granting moderators rights to anyone with a gold medal or something.
I for one was overwhelmed by the amount of stupid questions, and got tired of looking for something interesting to translate. But someone had to translate all these "привет, как дела", and behold, forth came the man. But, you know, keep calm and carry on.

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

hi Igor,
where is the quotation coming from?

Igor Yurchenkoдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Hi, Oleg. from Olga, mostly, but extended, and I daresay improved by me. but it just could be in the dictionary

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

got it - thanks!

Holy Molyдобавила комментарий 8 anos atrás

Igor, I totally love it! That's exactly how I feel 👍😄

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

just noticed - should it be fascist heel?

Igor Yurchenkoдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

thank you, Olga. I guess you and me are here for about the same reasons =) though you're much more passionate about what you do.
We shall overcome, eventually.

Igor Yurchenkoдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

of course it should, Oleg

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

I certainly hope I'm not the fascist heel in question. If so, touché.

Igor Yurchenkoдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

you're not, Uly, and neither am I. But still some people think we are. Facts have never been able to stay in the way of forming opinions =)

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

ok, just checking :) I agree. The truth hurts. But even then, I always try to be very "lenient" by allowing for colloquial language, slang, "creative" syntax, etc. because I think language should be fun and I acknowledge that in the real world, people don't always speak "by the book." (Even though I can't abide the constant or unnecessary use of GONNA and WANNA - that drives me crazy!) My thing has never been to force grammaticality at the cost of sounding natural or idiomatic. Anything I prescribe in my corrections is something that I would actually say, as a native, and I would expect the same kinds of corrections to my Russian, for example.

Максим Карпенок (Maksim Karpianok)добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Dear Uly!
Thank you very much for this note!
Your note isn't the first one, which is concerning this "translator".
But it is the first one, which is written in English language by person, who is native speaker.
Thank you very much for your position, buddy! The position of mine about
Yefim Yasnogorsky has always been the same as yours.

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Maksim, thank you for your support. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way. I have nothing against Yefim personally, but I love this resource and hate to see it misrepresented.

Максим Карпенок (Maksim Karpianok)добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

"There should be a moderator to remove repeated posts, gauge the accuracy of translations, resolve disputes, and be the final editor of what makes in into the dictionary. We have powerhouse English translators and No.1 Translator is the person, who can barely put together two words. There's just no sense of community because we need a point person. LingvoLive just doesn't seem to care."
I've been saying the similar thoughts in Russian here. But administration seems to be not hearing my (and not only my!) words...
It is so sad to see how the site is turning into what it is turning into without moderation:(

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

I agree 100%. As far as English goes, I'm doing my best to be the unofficial moderator so there is at least someone to "teach" and make the necessary corrections so that people can actually learn from this site.

Xiaoqing Heдобавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Thank you so much Uly for bringing this up for us ! "There should be a moderator to remove repeated posts, gauge the accuracy of translations, resolve disputes, and be the final editor of what makes in into the dictionary. We have powerhouse English translators and No.1 Translator is the person, who can barely put together two words. There's just no sense of community because we need a point person. LingvoLive just doesn't seem to care." - totally agreed! Lingvolive, heed to it plz!

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 anos atrás

Thank you, Xiaoqing!

Beth Elliottдобавил комментарий 5 meses atrás

The post provides practical examples to explain the topic, making it easy to grasp. The visuals support the content well, and the friendly tone ensures an enjoyable reading experience.

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