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dudunpavel@mail.ruспросил перевод 8 years ago
Как перевести? (ru-en)

сколько градусов мороза в твоем городе?

Переводы пользователей (2)

  1. 1.

    How many degrees below zero is it in your city?

    Перевод добавил Elena Bogomolova
    Золото ru-en
  2. 2.

    How many degrees below the freezing point is in your city?

    Перевод добавил Aleh La
    Золото ru-en

Обсуждение (27)

Elena Bogomolovaдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

Freezing point - точка замерзания

Aleh Laдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

and thank you for letting me know!

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

тогда оба варианта имеют право на жизнь - ведь ноль равен точке замерзания только в шкале Цельсия.
а по Фаренгейту это не ноль, а 32...

Aleh Laдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

To Oleg Shevaldyshev: you hit the nail on the head. The reasons I prefer "freezing point" are obvious. It is more universal(1) and follows the logical chain : frost-freeze-freezing(2)
If in the US you say "below zero" , most of the people will look at you like "What are you talking about?"

Elena Bogomolovaдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

I haven't heard " below the freezing point" when talking about weather

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

to be honest, I usually don't care about the weather forecasts, so I'm afraid I'm not best to judge...

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago

Actually, EVERYONE here (US) says below zero: "It's twenty below zero" or simply "It's twenty below" In other contexts, we use the adjective subzero: "I could never live in subzero temperatures."

Elena Bogomolovaдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

I asked an American, they say " below zero" as we do.

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago

<------------ American :)

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago

Elena is right. Never in all my born days have I heard anyone say "below the freezing point"... unless they're in science class, talking about ice.

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago
How many degrees below the freezing point is in your city?

How many degrees below the freezing point is IT in your city?

Elena Bogomolovaдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

Thank you, Uly :)

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago

Excellent translation, Elena :)

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

Uly, but what zero is it - centigrade or Fahrenheit? if the latter, it is much colder, right? and is already below the freezing point (which i believe is zero centigrade or 32 Fahrenheit )?

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

many thanks Uly!
then below zero in the U.S. is much more challenging than below zero in Russia (or many other places)
and for the question asked in the very beginning - what would be the measure of frost here?
for centigrade it is zero - when water freezes
but for Fahrenheit - what would be an English word between zero F and the freezing / melting point (32F)?

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 8 years ago

I have absolutely no idea. I live in Florida, so we have summer conditions all year round, for the most part.

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

thanks again Uly!
hope we'll have someone from the north of the U.S. to help us here...

Oleg Shevaldyshevдобавил комментарий 8 years ago

вот что пишут люди из северных штатов:

Здесь обычно говорят temperatures below freezing.

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