Listen, It's actually unclear. But I'm gonna tryna translate it.
“Добудь я и негра при клоуне годов, Автобус унынья и лени, Яру скобу выучил Толька зато, Что им разговаривал Ленин..." (who can give me a literal translation of this please?! leaving aside Mayakovsky's original version and despite all the errors...:) it's an excerpt from Hamid Ismailov's novel)
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- 1.
If I got a negro before a clown of years, a bus of depression and laziness, yaru skobu (it has no sense) would learn only because Lenin spoke it
Комментарий переводчика
I absolutely cannot understand why would you need a literal translation of it and asking us to do this
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Обсуждение (4)
Thanks for the efforts. Because to understand the paragraph that follows would actually require some understanding of this corrupted version.
It's like a chile heard this poem and learned, not knowing the meaning of the phrases. In his head the ending of one word was combined with the beginning of the next word.
В тексте ошибки, оригинал такой:
Да будь я
и негром преклонных годов
и то,
без унынья и лени,
я русский бы выучил
только за то,
что им
разговаривал Ленин.