(The) coworkers exchange/are exchanging presents: some have something good to give, some have tongue-in-cheek gifts, some are prepared better because they bothered themselves asking about others' wishlists in advance. 🤔🤔🤔
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Маша Тимощенкоспросил перевод 3 years ago
Как перевести? (ru-en)
Сотрудники вручают друг другу подарки: кто-то более удачные, кто-то иронические, кто-то хорошо подготовился и разузнал желания колеги.
Переводы пользователей (2)
- 1.
The employees play secret Santa and the quality of gifts varies; there are the gag gifts, as is to be expected, but the more consciencious gifters actually try to suss out the recipient's likes and dislikes (behorehand).
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en2 - 2.
The coworkers exchange gifts — some more succesfull than others. Some give gag gifts, and then there are those who do their homework and find out what (kinds of things) their coworker (actually) likes.
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en2
Обсуждение (1)
Tatiana Gerasimenkoдобавила комментарий 3 years ago