"I had always thought..." why no contraction?

Крайний справа на коллективном фото 1974 года. Я всё думал, что меня ждёт слава большого музыканта. Хотел уехать за этой славой в Москву. Но то одно, то другое. Так и остался здесь. Испугался чего-то. Испугался, что не получится.
I’m (the) far right in the 74 group photo. I had always thought fame awaited me as a musician and I was going to pursue it in Moscow. But between one thing and another, I ended up staying here. Something spooked me... the though of not making it.
Обсуждение (4)

In this statement with “always,” some people (like me) would break it up into rhythmic groups as follows: ai | hɛdàlweiz | θɑ́t, where other people would say aidɑ́lweiz | θɑ́t.
If the phrase was "I have always thought..." would you still use the full form?

There I would use the contraction.