Tatiana Gerasimenkoдобавила комментарий 5 years ago
Улий, «да» здесь подразумевается?
i am over it
да я действительно смирился с этим
Улий, «да» здесь подразумевается?
I don’t know. I wanted to express marginal frustration. Someone suggested that you’re not over something, and you say “I AM over it!”
If it was a neutral statement, we would say “I’M over it.” In the actual language, we always use contractions and only separate them when we need to emphasize one component. So if we see “I am over it” we read “I AM over it”, but maybe that’s not what the poster intended.
Ах вот оно что! 👍🙏
So my translation is correct?
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