Grumbler, this is actually correct with “none the less.” It belongs to the pattern “none the +[comparative]”: Even though Mr. Harrington was a millionaire, upon his death, his children were none the richer since he left all his money to his second wife. -or- I took $20 from the cookie jar before my mother counted the money, so she was none the wiser. -or- He became convinced that his illness was purely imaginary: that made it none the better.
Geraldine was none the less astonished
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Но это нисколько (/ни в малейшей степени) на развеяло сомнения Джералдина
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была поражена не в меньшей степени?
Сам добавляй.
I don’t know how to say this in Russian. It means that she wasn’t astonished before, and this time nothing changed - she was still not astonished.
не понял...
none the richer - не богаче ?
none the better - не лучше ?
none the less - не БОЛЬШЕ ? (astonished than before)
- не меньше
Все это, чтобы сказать, что она осталась равнодушной.
тогда не получается
поражена НЕ МЕНЬШЕ, чем раньше
значит, была сильно поражена и сейчас поражена так же или больше
Так же = по-прежнему совсем не поражена
Не, мне это не понять.
А почему не "Так же = по-прежнему поражена "?
Если раньше была "совсем не поражена" и сейчас тоже, то имеет смысл сказать, что сейчас поражена НЕ БОЛЬШЕ, чем раньше.
Because they must have use LITTLE previously: When she read the proposal, she was little astonished at how much the city would benefit from the project and demanded a review. When she read the revised proposal, she was none the less astonished: the new figures indicated that the city stood to benefit even more than in the first proposal.
was little impressed by the figures (not impressed)
now she isn't impressed again = impressed NOT MORE than she was before.
There is something here that I can't grasp. Can it be something like, say, double negative in Russian, that is illogical and impossible to understand logically?
It’s hard to define - the writer is being somewhat sarcastic.
I give up... At least until the morning.
"The Colonel breathed again. If Mr. Malthus had frequented the place for two years there could be little danger for the Prince in a single evening. But Geraldine was none the less astonished, and began to suspect a mystification."
"Полковник вздохнул с облегчением. Если мистер Мальтус целых два года посещает этот притон, то навряд ли принца ожидает опасность в первый же вечер. Впрочем, Джеральдин терялся в догадках. Уж не водят ли их с принцем за нос?"
Ah, good, a context. This means that on the one hand, he was relieved to see that someone who had been coming to the club for two years was alright, but was, ALL THE SAME, astonished... This is an old way of saying “was no less astonished.”
но и так был (все же?) поражен (??)
Не знаю. Мне кажется, значение просто такое же, как и у nonetheless/nevertheless
Т.е., да - все же, все-таки, тем не менее, однако, несмотря на это, впрочем
There’s a difference. “Nonetheless“ is a conjunction like any other. However, “none the less” and “no less” are used to describe the degree to which someone is astonished, surprised, angered, moved, etc.
“Even though my son came in second at the swim meet, I was none the less/no less proud of him.“
В принципе, можно перевести
"Но это нисколько (/ни в малейшей степени) на развеяло сомнения Джералдина"
- он именно сомневался, терялся в догадках -
Just know that in modern English, we don’t use “none the less,” we use “no less.”