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Лидия Рязановаспросила перевод 6 years ago
Как перевести? (en-ru)


Комментарий автора

singular or plural?

Переводы пользователей (1)

  1. 1.

    лес (обычно небольшой)

    Перевод добавил Alexander Аkimov
    Золото en-ru

Обсуждение (12)

Лидия Рязановадобавила комментарий 6 years ago

употребляется. в единственном или во множественном числе? I can see a woods??

Alexander Аkimovдобавил комментарий 6 years ago

you can say 'a forest' (in general), or 'the forest' (a particular one), and 'the woods' (the one that you're walking through), but it would seem strange to refer to a collection of trees as 'a woods' (because of number agreement) or 'a wood' (because that would refer to a particular piece of lumber.
'forests' are bigger than 'woods'. But a small collection of trees is not necessarily 'the woods'. Something smaller (without specifying actual size) would be called 'a stand of trees'. (i.e. if you can go into the collection and not see the end of the trees, then you're not in a stand of trees)
'forest' has a slightly more official, formal feel to it than 'woods'.

Лидия Рязановадобавила комментарий 6 years ago

Thank you very much.I have understood at last. But during the lesson I couldn't explain this difference to 8 year-old children.

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 6 years ago

Alex, you can actually say “through a wood” or “through a woods” (I don’t know why, but you can) to mean через лес or сквозь лес.

Alexander Аkimovдобавил комментарий 6 years ago

Uly, I know you can't be wrong (wremember - the W is silent), however, I believe we shouldn't confuse 8-year-old kids 😜.

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 6 years ago

I understand. I was just letting you know for your personal edification 😉

Alexander Аkimovдобавил комментарий 6 years ago

Everything is good to know what is good to know 🧐.

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий 6 years ago

*Everything is good to know THAT is good to know.

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