возможно, trace the order
если вы не сможете найти заказ до 7 числа, вернёте ли вы деньги?
Переводы пользователей (2)
- 1.
If you fail to find the order by the 7th, will you make a refund?
Перевод добавил Elena BogomolovaЗолото ru-en2 - 2.
If you’re unable to locate the order by the 7th, will you be refunding the money?
Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍Золото ru-en1
Обсуждение (20)
trace - это просто отслеживание заказа
Хотя, Oxford дает, в т.ч., такое определение: Find or discover by investigation.
Еще, наверное, locate the order
Когда заказ "теряется", обычно речь идет именно о его отслеживании, а не физическом поиске где-то на складе.
Да, locate тоже подойдет.
Понятно, спасибо)
BY the 7th
Thanks, Uly! Actually, my question was about find/trace/locate - are they all suitable and which is the best?
(1) LOCATE; (2) FIND. “Trace” means the same as “look for” so it doesn’t belong here.
@“Trace” means the same as “look for” so it doesn’t belong here.
Isn't tracing/tracking the same as finding the current approximate location of the order on it's way to a customer?
Normally you trace or track something as a means to finding it, finding out where it is.
Yes. Is it not what CS do before making a refund?
Yes (what is CS?)
Customer Service
Then I don't understand why "“Trace” ... doesn’t belong here."
Because UNABLE TO FIND refers to the result. They can track and trace the order all day but not necessarily FIND it. It’s like saying Если вы не сумеете искать/находить...
понял - процесс и результат
so, "I traced the order" doesn't necessarily mean that I found it?
По-русски можно сказать "я проследил заказ" - и это означает проследил успешно, т.е. нашел
Ah, yeah, in English tracing and tracking can be fruitless - just like “looking for” - that was my original point, but I didn’t explain myself properly.