Света, я так понимаю, это предложение вы сами составили
Caution X This game is horror game which has many shocking scene.Please keep off from pregnant woman, the old and people who have weak condition with heart
WARNING: This game contains sudden scenes of horror (and violence). Not recommended for pregnant womEn, the elderly and people _ with heart conditionS.
Отредактирован* * *
Caution! This game is a horror game, which contains many shocking scenes. Please, keep pregnant women, old people and anyone with a heart condition off the screen.
ОтредактированВнимание! Эта игра в жанре хоррор содержит в себе множество шокирующих сцен. Пожалуйста, держите беременных женщин, стариков и людей с больным сердцем подальше от экрана.
Внимание, это игра - хоррор(ужастик), которой содержит много шокирующих сцен. Не давайте беременным, старикам и людям с заболеваниями сердца))
Света, я так понимаю, это предложение вы сами составили
Ruslan, you don't keep people "off the screen" - if those people were "on" the screen, they would be in the game))
Your game's art style is visually stunning, with
I only like safe games that bring additional benefits. And I've learned firsthand the necessity of thorough research and meticulous analysis to attain success. By fully immersing myself in available information and diligently considering credible reviews, I've developed the ability to craft strategic decisions that consistently lead to favorable outcomes
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If there is such a warning, you should probably switch to playing a light game like minecraft at