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Анастасия Шишкинаспросил перевод 7 лет назад
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tall talk (как правильно назвать этот жанр по-русски?)

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    разве это жанр?

    Перевод добавила Tatiana Gerasimenko
    Золото en-ru

Обсуждение (2)

Анастасия Шишкинадобавил комментарий 7 лет назад

Да, вот контекст.
Tall talk is storytelling which uses unbelievable elements, and it is a significant part of any traditional folk literature. American folk literature is not an exception here.American tall talk began in the 1800s as a way for Americans to get used to the vast and often unfriendly lands they had come to live on. ...... The tаll-tаle chаrаcters of the most fаmous stories, such аs Dаvy Crockett, Johnny Appleseed or Pаul Bunyаn, were born from various combinаtions of historicаl fаct, the storytelling of ordinаry people аnd the imagination of professional writers. Even though invented a long time ago, American tall tales are still popular with children and adults alike, and provide lots of humour and entertainment.

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