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Е Нспросил перевод hace 7 años
Как перевести? (ru-en)

ты накупалась и зовешь маму которая приходит в ванную с огромным полотенцем и, закутав тебя уносит

Переводы пользователей (1)

  1. 1.

    You finish your bath and call your mother, who comes into the bathroom with a huge towel, wraps you up in it and carries you out.

    Перевод добавил ⁌ ULY ⁍
    Золото ru-en

Обсуждение (10)

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий hace 7 años

Alex: (1) "done/finished with bathing" means that you never want to take another bath in your life. It should be "you finish bathing"; (2) "mum" is British (Don't be that guy!); (3) BRING means towards the speaker, TAKE means away from the speaker. For all intents and purposes, we assume that the person saying this is in the bathroom, so motion would be away from him, thus "she TAKES you out."

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий hace 7 años

Jane: (1) "You've FINISHED BATHING" (2) "mum"... ugh...

Alexander Аkimovдобавил комментарий hace 7 años

Finished with love - с любовью покончено.
Uly, haven’t you noticed yet that all my initial English is based on songs? I’ve heard them a lot since my school days, and funny, that was my main vocabulary when I just entered Boeing 16 years ago. And it worked!

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий hace 7 años


⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий hace 7 años

It’s a good method. They say music and language go hand-in-hand.

Alexander Аkimovдобавил комментарий hace 7 años

Unfortunately, the method is not universal. Most people don’t care about lyrics. I used to play and sing in a band, so that was a good practice to start with, especially in spoken English.

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий hace 7 años

Oh how cool 😎

Jane Leshдобавила комментарий hace 7 años

Hi Uly, thanks a lot for your remarks, though I've got a couple of questions.
With the "you've finished bathing" phrase everything is clear (though I just tried to indicate that the action's finished just now, well, the perfect tense is indeed my problem).
What about "mum"? It's British, I know, but "mom" is American. Is there any neutral word except "mother"? I ask because in Russian мама (mom/mum) and мать (mother) are actually two different things. Is it the same in English?

⁌ ULY ⁍добавил комментарий hace 7 años

Hi Jane, actually the perfect wasn’t the problem, it was the WITH that wasn’t correct. As for mother/mom, we make the same distinction in English. Both mum and mom are fine here - I was just being silly because I can’t stand “mum.”

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