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Алишер Турганжановsolicitou a tradução 7 years ago
Como traduzir? (en-ru)
So, said an official, much of the discussions is likely to be about a suitable form of words, and the farct that Mr H will negotiate on the basis of the latest proposals of the six means that he has already gone more than halfway to surrender
Traduções dos usuários (1)
- 1.
So, said an official, much of the discussions is likely to be about a suitable form of words, and the fact that Mr H will negotiate on the basis of the latest proposals of the six means that he has already gone more than halfway to surrender
EditadoИтак/поэтому, сказал представитель властей, дискуссия по всей вероятности будет преимущественно о подходящей формулировке, и тот факт, что Мистер Эйч будет вести переговоры на основе новейших предложений о шести средствах, которые он почти сдал ...
Tradução adicionada por Tatiana GerasimenkoOuro en-ru1