Может и подходящий вариант, но хотелось бы узнать его актуальность в разговорной речи.
начать что-то с новыми силами
Traducciones de usuarios (2)
- 1.
start smth. with renewed vigour
El comentario del traductor
Traducción agregada por grumblerOro ru-en5 - 2.
to come back fresh for smth
Traducción agregada por Jarek Cossack0
Discusión (11)
Или come back fresh TO. Например: "Rest, so you can come back fresh to do it again".
То что нужно! Спасибо, Jarek!
Elena, to "GET a new lease ON life" means to be close to death and to come away with a resolution to make something of oneself, to appreciate life after almost losing it.
Jarek, that's not very idiomatic, I'm afraid.
++Grumbler: you are fast becoming my favorite translator here.
Uly, in Br.E. they say "a new lease OF life" :)
Russian dictionaries translate is as "воспрянуть духом", not necessarily after a period of illness. May be it's not correct...
A lease is a contract that gives you the right to use something or live somewhere for a certain length of time. When you come close to losing your life and then recover, you feel like somebody gave you a new contract and said "here, you can live another 50 years!" I can't believe the British say "lease of life," to me it sounds totally nonsensical. I learned something new.
Ok, thank you.
Here is about "a new lease of life"
Thank you for that! I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought it sounded crazy 😜