I hate emotional films and books
ненавижу чувственные фильмы и книги
WARNING: The use of MAUDLIN in this translation is highly unnatural, since this is a literary word and not heard in normal conversation. Use it with caution!
Editado* * *
I loathe maudlin movies and books.
(используется редко, преимущественно в литературных публикациях)
I hate sensual films/movies and books
I hate tearjerkers and stuff like that.
I hate steamy movies and books
I hate Titanicish.
I hate tear gas.
I hate emotional films and books
Uly, чувственный - sensual, isn't it?
Does it mean overly sexual/romantic , or overly dramatic/emotional?
It's overly sexual/romantic. Touchy-feely - излишне сентиментальные, I guess.
"I like movies that stretch the imagination and have some artistic value "( a little plagiaristic)
Не уверен, что мой перевод правильный, но это о чувствах=эмоцииях, и, думаю, больше romantic, но может быть и dramatic
В обоих случаях, то что может выжать слезу
Grumbler, я бы тоже так перевела - sensual. Но "чувственный" - это не то, что может выжать слезу (сентиментальный). Чувственные фильмы и книги - это о страстной любви
Yes,"I like those weird movies with no plot and a lot strange characters ." They can move me to tears...
Елена, это звучит как STEAMY books and movies
Not steamy, "I'm only watch INDIE film."
Anastasia, what time zone do you live in? Do you ever sleep?
Uly, I think it's the right word. What about "sensual"? You don't say so?
Not "I'm", " I only watch"
Uly,я не чувствую времени.
Да,мне нужно спать, u are right.это все.
We would describe a movie as being sensual, we wouldn't really classify it as such. Steamy would conceivably be a classification for movie genres.
So, the correct translation is "I hate steamy movies and books"?
Yes, that would make sense.
Uly, I think, perhaps, the word "steamy" is too strong.
You would know better than I, because I don't really know what the Russian means. I can only assure you that in this context STEAMY is a movie that even your children can watch - it just has a lot of kissing and passion. If you look at what I sent you, the first movie in their list of steamy movies is Titanic 💑🛳🗻🦈⚰️
Ok, then it's ok, thanks:)
There's a perfect word for that - a tearjerker...
Tearjerker - мелодрама, слезливая история. It has nothing to do with чувственность.
Maudlin - сентиментальный, а не чувственный
"Titanic" like tearjerker
Не говоря уже о том, что слово maudlin устаревшее, как дьявол. Большинство носителей даже не знает, что оно значит.
Hate "большинство"
To Uly; Look who's talking! Just in the past 12 months NYtimes has used it 16 times in connection to a movie. And many more time without it.
I will be happy to listen to people tell me about Russian, and I do, but I DON'T need you or anyfuckingbody else on here to teach me English. There's nothing to teach me. I never said the word MAUDLIN doesn't exist. Movie critics in The NY Times would be pretentious enough to pull it out once in a while, but for the statement in this post, NOBODY would use that word in everyday conversation. I'm sure you had no idea what it meant before you found it for this translation. But keep using it, Aleh, it's a wonderful word!
Additionally, I don't recall Grumbler saying that to me. I happen to have a lot of respect for his willingness to learn and accept correction.
I'm not teaching you English. I'm explaining you Russian. But it is your right to select who you listen to. So, enjoy their company. THERE'S NO POINT IN TALKING, WHEN THERE'S NOBOBY LISTENING.
I'm not at all angry. Maybe I've overstayed my welcome on this site and it's time to check out.
If a word I use seems weird to you, it's because YOU DON'T KNOW ENOUGH ENGLISH. that's not my fault.
Trying to shove the word MAUDLIN down my throat isn't "explaining English TO me." It's a wEIrd word that's not convEnient to use in conversation. You have a long way to go before you can start teaching me English.
Case in point: you had the nerve to tell me that I misused the word NEVER in a translation, because you thought it only had one meaning. When I was kind enough to explain the different nuances, you chose to ignore me because you needed to be right. What you don't understand is that as a native, I'M ALWAYS RIGHT when it comes to my language. I would never presume to argue with a Russian native - it would just make you look stupid. When you get to the point that you can write a sentence without misspelling every other word, perhaps you can try to argue with my English, but even then I don't recommend it.
NY times is creatorish of movie's Cliches.
All native speakers should be updated automatically by NYTimes' Cliches.
Dear Uly, don't pay attention to Aleh La and the like. There'll always be such people because they envy others' knowledge and intelligence.
When so called "knowledge and intelligence" people let themselves get personal it sounds too stupid.BRAVO!
I come up with "titanicish", but not NY time.
It's so cooooooooool !!!!!!!
to Elena. Yes, I'm in general an envious person. In particular, I'm starving for all kmowledge that you possess. I'm also dying to have a tiny bit of your inlelligence. Can you share it with me?
Oh,there was an unfortunate mistake!
It was supposed to be "let get personal" without "themselves"!!!
I'm sorry!!!
Aleh: all THE knowledge...
Thank you! The knowledge..
Don't wax maudlin on us now, Aleh, did you read the link I posted for you?
Uly,u know,in this case if u are not sure whether a person has the knowledge so u would rather cut out "the",aren't u?
Uly, "are u? ",not "aren't u"OK?
Elena, thank you and don't worry - Aleh would have to get up pretty early in the morning to get under my skin :) What I don't understand is that he's one of the people whom I have helped and praised the most, to turn on me like this all of a sudden. And over the use of a stupid, archaic word! That says a lot about his character.
I did. It partually prove your point, but it doesn't prove me wrong. Nobody said it is outdated, just limited in use. Nothing was said about it in connection to a movie, which was a particular case. I think that everything in the NYtimes gets edited before publishinng. And if its editors hadn't found anything wrong with using the word, why not to use it in an appropriate situation.
Yes, and if you look at the comment of the senior member that I indicated, he states that it's only used in literary writing for the most part. Furthermore, he stated that one or two out of 50 people would even know what it means. The original post here is a general, casual statement about books and movies, in which this word would NEVER be used. So it proved my point 100% in terms of you using it on this particular post. In fact, you should remove your translation so that nobody else thinks that it's appropriate to use in this situation.
Then, maybe The Times has to remove it too. I'll follow their steps. Man, they are the editors, the guys like you. Why should I go with your opinion and not their.
Look, I respect your opinion. But, If I were to chose between your opinion and The Times', I would go with the latter. Sorry!
The New York Times is a literary publication, the sentence in this post is a conversational statement. No need to apologize to me – I sound perfectly natural when I speak and write English :)
...and not THEIRS
"Maudlin is the word of the day",
"Manipulatively maudlin movie",
Психоделический рок maudlin
Много maudlin ...
Психоделика с maudlin,
Как это может быть Archaic word,спрашивается?!
Now if you said "I LOATHE maudlin movies and books" you'd be in a special class indeed - probably wearing a pink shirt, chic sunglasses, lots of cologne and holding a guy's hand :) Good one!
You know what? It would still be better than listening to your homophobic comment.
It's not homophobic, it's just a fact :)
That's WHAT you really are, stupid homophobic jerk.
Uly,но психоделический рок МАУДЛИН существует и ты ни чего с этим не сможешь сделать!!!
Take a punch!!!
to Uly; I'm so disgusted with your comments.
Uly, ты из за maudlin готов на все.
У тебя нет чувства юмора.
Даже страшно .
Join the club
Anastasia, Uly needs your help here
Hahaha, now THAT'S funny 😂
To Anastasia: You and Uly are meant to be together. You have a lot in common!
to Anastasia: Be pro-active, Uly is such a shy guy!
To Anastasia: I can't take a good care of him anymore. He's suffering without you.
Aleh, you could never take care of me because I don't like men. But thanks again for offering! I hope you meet a nice guy to take care of. You're so nurturing 💕👬
Read the poem "This Is When I Need You To Kill Me" by Ian O'neill:
You should get your head examined, jerk!
You got all the symptoms. Good case for a shrink
If you ever hear me use the word maudlin, just shoot me :) That's fucking priceless!
You gonna see it haunt you in your dreams. I promise... sweet dreams!